What will GEcoKelp investigate?
Over four years, the project will employ a multi-faceted approach, including field sampling, laboratory experiments and computer modelling to provide a rigorous assessment of the influence of climate change and anthropogenic activities on Norwegian kelp forests from the genetic to the ecosystem level. In this way, the team aim to secure a sustainable future for kelp forests. The projects is organised into five interacting working packages:
WP 1: Mapping the genetic structure of kelp forests along the Norwegian coast.
WP 2: Aquarium experiments to determine how genetic diversity and adaptation influence population level responses to environmental stressors.
WP 3: Field experiments to assess the influence of adaptation and genetic diversity on kelp resilience.
WP 4: Using computer modelling to predict how kelp forest ecosystems will respond to future climate change.
WP 5: Coordination of the project and communication of findings.
Funding & Associations
GecoKelp is generously funded by Forskningsrådet - The Research Council of Norway.
The project is a collaboration between individuals at several institutions including: Havforskningsinstituttet - Norway's Institute of Marine Research, The University of Western Australia, Roskilde University and NSW's Department of Primary Industries.
The project will work closely with other research efforts including BlueARC, Marine Heatwaves International Working Group, Green Gravel Action Group, REEF ADAPT, and aims to support the UN Ocean Decade.
​If you would like more information about collaboration opportunities please contact us!